Derek & Keri Martin

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Kitchen..... our nemesis

Our how I love thee..... KITCHEN!

It has been a LONG work in progress. We bought our house in September 2009 and we are halfway done with our home remodel, we have started several projects all at once and we are finding out the hard way- this is just not he way to go. Well here are a bunch of photos of our kitchen as we have transformed it.. all with starting new projects because we (and I should say I) are impatient!

New Carpet!

We finally got new carpet installed a month ago... it has been a crazy journey with this darn house remodel- but every minute of it has brough us close to completion. We still have a ways to go with the house remodel and lots of posts to update everyone on. So here are the pictures of my new carpet;

Shaw Carpet